
Lakeview Manor 6th Annual Dinner & Dance 2015

Hello Everybody Our 6th Annual Dinner & Dance went very well at Lakeview Manor, thank you to all who came along. As always we had a great time, excellent food and good company followed by some good dances. Not all were played from the playlist but we tried to get as many in as we could. Chris gave us another unique teach of his new dance “Still In Love With You” and also taught his other two dances as well (Couldn’t get him off the floor!) Check out the gallery here A quiz was on hand as well to keep everybody busy through the lunch, and a balloon making competition which produced some very interesting results. It was a lovely day which soon came to an end. Lakeview Playlist:: Wagon Wheel Rock Disappearing Tail Lights After The Storm Come On and Dance Electric Slide Lonesome Fireball Islands In The Stream Cecilia ABieber Galway Gathering New Shoes A Little Bit Of Love Something In The Water Angel In Blue Jeans Cut A Rug Rocket To The Sun Bullfrog On A Log Feelin’ The Feelin’ My Pretty Belinda Come On And Dance Walking On Air (2) Go Cat Go Up On The … Continued

Lyme Regis Fundraiser 2015

Hi Everybody Thank you to the Lyme Regis Operatic Society for inviting us back for the 5th year running, and to everyone who came along for an enjoyable evening. It was wonderful to see so many joining in. Well done to Anita, Yvonne, and helpers for the excellent ploughman’s supper and cakes. Some nice dances went through for all to enjoy, and in his own unique way Chris taught his new dance “Still In Love With You”. Video and step sheet to follow soon. Check out the gallery for more photos of the evening.   Take care Marina & Chis

February Dances Taught

Hello Everybody Here are the latest dances taught, all can be found on the dances page. Latest Dances Taught in February Beginner Level: Monday’s class: Only With You, Galway Gathering Tuesday’s class: Cowboy Charleston, Lonesome, New Shoes, Go Cat Go, Gently Does It Wednesday’s class: Only With You, The Galway Gathering Improver Level: Monday’s class: Applejack, Rock & Roll King, Wednesday’s class: Cecelia, Thursday’s class: Cecelia, When I Found Love, Rock & Roll King, Dance It Up Intermediate Level: Wednesday’s class: Your Side Of Town Thursday’s class: Your Side Of Town   Remember that there is no class Monday 9th March   Take Care Marina & Chris

Latest Dances Taught

Hello Everybody It was nice to get back to our classes after the festive holidays, and with everyone raring to go we managed to remember all the dances. Our new beginner class at Exeter Sports Academy is coming on well. It’s only been a short while, but I can see this is going to be a good class in the making with lot’s more people sharing a new hobby with us. Our Annual Dinner is proving quite popular; there are a few spaces still available if you would like to join us. Contact details below or see us in class. Please note in the events diary we are unable to use The BeeHive on Wednesday 18th February due to the Honiton Pantomime Society presenting “Sleeping Beauty, The Pantomime Of Your Dreams”, so why not go along and see some of the class members in the show. Tickets on sale at the BeeHive Ticket Office now or buy on line here – “Oh yes you can!”   Latest Dances Taught in January Beginner Level: Monday’s class: If I Could See You, Plus recaps including – Bullfrog On A Log, After The Storm Tuesday’s class: Electric Slide, Blue Sky, Canadian Stroll, Mama … Continued

Happy New Year

Hello Everybody It’s 2015 Hope you all had a very nice Christmas and Santa delivered all the items on your wish list! Now that the festivities have passed us by, I’m looking forward to seeing you all back at class again. Have you remembered all your dances? Chris says he is ready to go, I didn’t ask where but he says he’s ready 🙂 Time goes so quick; here we are in 2015 with lots to get done Like starting a new weekly class on Tuesday January 6th at Exeter Sports Academy, Our Annual Dinner and Dance Sunday tea dances Arranging a trip to Paignton for a weekend of dancing There is something else but you will find out about that next week at class…….that’s all I’m saying at the moment. Plus loads of dances to fit in along the way There will be a few dates when we are unable to have the classes so do keep checking the website regularly for these.   Latest Dances Taught To End Of 2014 Beginner Level: Monday’s class: Bullfrog On A Log, I’ve Got A Feeling, After The Storm Wednesday’s class: Bullfrog On A Log, Chances, I’ll Do It All Over Again … Continued

Cancelled New Years 2014 Party

It is with deep regret that our New Year’s party is cancelled due to dwindling numbers through illness including myself. Please return your ticket for a full refund. May I take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy/Healthy and Prosperous New Year

Latest Dances Taught

Hello Everybody Latest dances taught:- Beginner Level: Monday’s class: 4 Little Heels, Feeling the Feelin’ Wednesdays class: Go Cat Go , 4 Little Heels, Feeling the Feelin’ Improver Level: Monday’s class: Come on Let’s Dance, Makita Wednesday’s class: Makita, Corn Don’t Grow Thursday’s class: Corn Don’t Grow Intermediate Level: Wednesday’s class: The Other Side (Wow Hawaii) Thursday’s class: Fireball, Walking On Air, Angel In Blue Jeans   This week’s new teaches: Monday and Wednesday Beginner Classes – Bullfrog On A Log Monday’s Improver Class – When I Found Love Wednesday’s Improver/Intermediate Class – Woman Trouble Thursday’s Intermediate Class – Angel In Blue Jeans (week 2)   Take care Marina & Chris

October 2014 Line Dance Social

Hello Everybody Thank you to all who joined us on Saturday at Kilmington. It was a great success, plenty of dancing, fun, with a raffle and a quiz thrown in. Some wonderful costumes as you will see in the gallery. Congratulations to those who won the quiz, some very testing questions from the host DJ, he done it again well done. Playlist as follows:- Boat To Liverpool Wagon Wheel Rock This Is Me This and That Alibi Walk Alone Cut A Rug Mamma Maria A Little Bit Gypsy Walking Through My Pretty Belinda Lonesome Walking On Air Come As You Are Don’t Say Goodbye Gently Does It Raggle Taggle Gypsy O Silver Lining Better Times Mama Loo 4 Little Heels The Other Side  (aka: Wow Hawaii) Stop Me Now Dangerous In Love I’ve Got It Easy Alcazar Something In The Water Lemon Tree Fireball Mona Lisa Makita Such A Fool Bucket List Feel This Moment A Little Too High Come On Let’s Dance Mr Man in the Moon New Year’s Eve tickets now on sale, email or phone me for more details. Take care Marina & Chris    

News Update

Hello Everyone It was all go at The Wessex Hotel in Street, Somerset for a fabulous weekend of dancing. A party of us went to The Billy Curtis weekend to see Karl Winson and Kate Sala. We all dressed up for the fancy dress on Saturday evening, have a look in the gallery. Thank you to all who joined us, it was a fun weekend with great company.     The two of us were invited to Plymouth Hoe on Sunday 5th October to warm up the walkers for the “The Memory Walk” with some fast paced line dancing in aid of Alzheimer’s Society. The Twerzels, Jemma Jones of Plymouth Radio were on hand to keep everyone entertained. The walkers set off at 11am and all made it back in time for lunch. The atmosphere was wonderful, well done to all who took part and especially to the organisers for making the day go so well. Thank you for asking us along, we had a great time.Click here to see how much was raised on the day! Remember we have a social coming up on Saturday 25th October; again check out the events page for more information. If you type … Continued