
Weekend With Billy

Hello Everybody, Here we are the end of another month and one we will not forget in a while! We went on a Billy Curtis Weekend in Street. A brilliant time was had with plenty of laughs and loads of dancing, with some really nice ones taught by Yvonne Anderson and Lois Lightfoot, which I will look at teaching in the coming weeks. The theme was USA and what did we go as….. Cheerleaders (photos in the gallery) couldn’t persuade Chris to put on a pair of tights so he sat in a chair all night as our coach! Remember to check out the dates for October as there are a few days where we are taking a break and one at the end of October where the hall is in use on a Wednesday. The latest dances taught:- Beginner Dances: Mamma Mia! Why Me? By Lee Hamilton, I’ll Be There For You by Karen Kennedy, Sangria Sun by Tina Argyle, By Morning by Sue Kay Improver Dances: Celtic Duo by Maggie Gallagher & Gary O’Reilly, Get It Right by Maddison Glover, Groovy Love by Fred Whitehouse, Daniel Trepat, Jonas Dahlgren Intermediate Dances: Cold Feet by Gary O’Reilly, Make A … Continued

Sunday T-Dance September 2018

Hello Everyone, Here we are chasing through September and seems only like 10 minutes ago we were having our summer social. Thanks to those that came along on Sunday 2nd September for our t-dance, it was a great afternoon of dancing, plenty to eat, a quiz that Chris got us all thinking, some of you were on form and congrats to the winners who walked away with the top prizes – yes bubble blowing flutes and a big  tub of sweets to share 🙂 It was a hectic afternoon; we managed to get through lots of dances and finished all the ones on the list, which is first for us. Chris taught his dance “The Second I Saw You” which I videoed! Thank you for your support, we do appreciate it. View the pictures in the gallery and the video on the dance page. Just a reminder that there will be no classes from Wednesday 3rd to and including Wednesday 10th October and then at the end of the month Wednesday 31st October So until next time, take care and see you all on the dance floor soon. Sundays Play List Lonely Drum Melodia Ticket To The  Blues Mamma Mia? … Continued

Update Of Dances Taught

Hello Everybody, First of all a reminder that this Wednesday’s class (1st August) will not take place due to the Theatre Company putting on “Wind In The Willows”. Hope you have got your tickets as they were selling fast! Well here we are more than halfway through the year, and the summer has been unbelievably hot. Hope you are all enjoying it as I believe there is more warm weather to come after this week.  Class at times was a little warm, but that didn’t stop you from coming and having fun with us. Your support is greatly appreciated. So here we are with the latest dances taught: Beginner Dances:   Whiskey Bridges, Hey You, I Close My Eyes,  Ribbon Of Highway to “Country Girl Shake It For Me” by Luke Bryan, A Brighter Day, Fireball EZ. Improver Dances:  Doing The Walk, Adventure 45,  Danza Loca, Just Like That,  People Are Good,  Havana Cha. Intermediate Dances:  Sambarito,  Hold A Candle,  Texas Time,  Chasing Rainbows, Trust Me (Re-teach) Dances and step sheets can be found on the Dances page Take care and see you all soon Marina & Chris

Sunday T-Dance June 2018 / Oakford Garden Fete

Hello Everyone The months are flying by and here we are nearing the end of June. Thank you to all those that came along to our Sunday T-Dance, it was nice to see so many making our day so enjoyable. The afternoon got off to a good start with Chris teaching one of his dances “Lonesome” and later another one called “The Second I Saw You” step sheet to follow. He organised a quiz which he thought would test you all, and with a prize of two tins of baked beans, the competition was on lol! (There was also two very large Toblerones hidden in the bag) well done to the winners. We stopped for a tea break, followed by the raffle, and before we knew it was getting towards the end, 42 dances completed in all. We asked for the top dances danced during the afternoon, results of the top four are shown below. Sundays Playlist Lonesome Rocket To The Sun Missing Story Cards On The Table Bored Gently Does It Champayne Promise Disappearing Tail Lights Hold A Candle Outside In Babylon Wildcard 18 Big Blue Tree Sambarito Rockin The Wagon Wheel / Wagon Wheel Rock Paddy’s Choir Down On Your Uppers Lonely Drum Your My Anthem … Continued

Sunday Social Coming Up !

HONITON Mackarness Hall High Street Honiton Devon EX14 1PG  10th June Sunday Afternoon Tea Dance 2pm—6pm   Bring and Share Buffet Tea and Coffee Available    

Latest Dances Taught

Beginner Level: Monday’s Class: Something In The Water, Babylon, Outside In Tuesday’s Class: Babylon, Outside In, Wednesday’s Class: Babylon, Outside In, Yesterday’s Tomorrow, Improver Level: Monday’s Class: You’re My Anthem,  All The Kings Horses, Adventure 45 Tuesday’s Class: Gypsy Queen, Yesterday’s Tomorrow, Love Is A Word Improver/Intermediate Level: Wednesday’s Class: All The Kings Horses, Adventure 45 Thursday: All The Kings Horses, Boots   Dances and step sheets can be found on the Dances page Take care and see you all soon Marina & Chris  

Latest Dance Reviews

“Outside In” Choreographed by Diana Dawson, nice easy beginner steps. Lovely song with a good beat by Lane Turner song called Outside Looking In. “Babylon” Choreographed by Fred Whitehouse.  A lovely high-end beginner dance with one restart. Once they mastered the heel grind turns they really enjoyed it. Steps go well to the song by OMI. “All The Kings Horses” Choreographed by Peter and Alison. Although this is classed as an Intermediate the Improvers coped really well with this dance. Goes along nicely with the music “Out of Sight” by Midland no tags or restarts, think this one will be with us for a while. “Gypsy Queen” Choreographed by Hazel Pace – I have been dancing this for some time now, however, this is the first time I taught it to my Tuesdays class who have recently stepped up a notch from the beginner stage. Seemed like a challenge for them to start with but they soon mastered the steps to a great piece of music by Chris Norman. Dances and step sheets can be found on the Dances page   Take care and see you all soon Marina & Chris

Update of Latest Dances Taught

Happy Easter Everyone Here are the latest dances taught. Beginner Level: Monday’s Class: Darling Stand By Me, Down On Your Uppers, I’m One Of Those, The Second I Saw You,  Buy Me A Rose, Something In The Water Tuesday’s Class: Darling Stand By Me, Rita’s Waltz, Move Slowly,  Something In The Water, Wednesday’s Class: Down On Your Uppers, I’m One Of Those, The Second I Saw You, Something In The Water   Improver Level: Monday’s Class: VIP, Into The Morning, I’m One Of Those, The Second I Saw You, You’re My Anthem Tuesday’s Class: Closer, Down On Your Uppers, I’m One Of Those, The Second I Saw You, Sweet Hurt Improver/Intermediate Level: Wednesday’s Class: Down On Your Uppers, Pull You Through, The Second I Saw You, I’m One Of Those, You’re My Anthem, Thursday: Pull You Through, Funk The Preacher Man, Into The Morning, Wildcard 18, You’re My Anthem   Dances and step sheets can be found on the Dances page Take care and see you all soon Marina & Chris   The Second I Saw You  choreographed by our very own Chris  – step sheet and video to follow

Annual Dinner and Dance 2018

Hello Everybody This was our ninth annual dinner and dance at Lakeview Manor. Chris handed out the quiz sheets in between courses, which kept everyone amused. Soon we were on our feet dancing. As the afternoon progressed we had the quiz results as well as “Make me something from the balloons” competition for the second year running which was not an easy one to choose from as they were all very good. Congratulations to Angie for winning the balloon competition and to Lynn and John’s table for winning the quiz  from “Everything begins with “N”, “Taking the Chris” and the last quiz which was a real teaser – one question that caught them out the most was –  from which film was this saying  “Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads” Yes it was “Back To The Future” Would you have got that? More dancing followed – see playlist below, and then before we knew it was time to say goodbye. It was a fabulous day, thank you to the staff of Lakeview Manor for looking after us. Thank you to everyone that came along and making the afternoon so enjoyable, view the pictures in the gallery   Look … Continued

Snow All Gone

Snow all gone. All classes are back on, starting with tonight at Exeter Countess Wear Village Hall Beginners class at 7pm followed by Improver 7.50pm Come along and join us 😉