
Broadmayne Village Hall Workshop 6th January 2024

A very big thank you to Bob Francis for inviting me to teach at his workshop, it was such a lovely friendly atmosphere. Bob taught 3 dances: And I taught the Improver dance – Bringing it Back to We’re Bringing It Back by Tina Parol (feat. Otto Blue) – Choreographed by Fred Whitehouse There were lots of requests for dances which filled the floor the rest of the evening, loads of dancing to start the New Year off with  Again thank you to Bob and the team for an excellent afternoon/evening full of dancing. Take care Marina & Chris xx

Christmas Social December 2023

Hello Everyone. I would like to take a moment to express my deepest appreciation to all the wonderful people who graced our Christmas Social event on Sunday 10th December. The atmosphere was charged with excitement and happiness throughout the afternoon, as we enjoyed ourselves with lots of dancing. We performed 31 dances of varying levels, ranging from Beginner to Intermediate see the list of the dances done below, everyone had a great time. Check out the pictures in the gallery 😉 One of the major highlights of the event was the excellent spread of ‘Bring and Share’ food that was put on display. It was a great opportunity for everyone to indulge in their favourite dishes and try new ones. Additionally, the half-time quiz was well-received by all, and it added to the fun-filled atmosphere.The quiz comprised mostly of Christmas questions and Dingbats, and Chris did an excellent job of putting it together. He loves his quizzes that come with lots of banter, it was a close finish with only one point between the top prize of sweets and biscuits. The social event was an excellent opportunity for everyone to showcase their Christmas jumpers, and it was a delight to see … Continued

UK Line Dance Awards 2024

UK Line Dance Awards are now waiting for your nominations – Vote for your favourite Dances, Choreographers, Clubs and Instructors – come on support your favourite here and now see below UKLDA is feeling excited.3 December at 12:01  · Nominations are Open! The Nomination period has begun. Nominations will remain open until midday on the 10th of January 2024. You can nominate your favourite dances, clubs, instructors, choreographers, performing artists and DJs by clicking the link below. can nominate each category once during the nomination period and must be a resident of the UK to do so. Any duplicate nominations or nominations from outside the UK will be discounted. If you would like to view a full list of the categories for this year’s UK Line Dance Awards with their descriptions please visit. Looking forward to seeing you all at our social this Sunday at the Mackarness Hall, Honiton, Devon 2 pm bring and share buffet. Remember the DJ Feed is still open if you have any favourite dances you want added Take care and if you are not able to make our Sunday social, have a good weekend. Marina & Chris xx

Update End Of October 2023

Hey everyone, I hope you’re all having a great day. Classes are going well and the beginners have been amazing and I’m so proud of your progress. I know some of you might have missed a few classes or just want to practice your moves at home, so I’ve got some good news for you. I’ve updated all the dances we learned, and you can access them by going to the dances page. You’ll find some awesome tunes there, and you can also tune in on Tuesdays to our WesternSpirit Music Radio and sing along with Chris. He’s got a great voice, don’t you think? just follow the link found on the main page. I want to remind you that we have an event coming up on the 10th of December. It’s our Christmas social. We’ll have music, bring and share food, Chris with his usual quiz and prizes. Take care Marina x

July 2023 Update

Hello Everyone, Classes are going well, due to the continued support from all our members – we thank you. Welcome all the new members who have joined us. Stick with it as it can take time to feel comfortable with the steps and the line dance jargon – coaster, shuffle, pivots etc. You will get there, trust me 👍 Last month was particularly hot, and I hear it may do so again later this month. So remember to bring a bottle of water and wear some comfortable shoes. All the dances taught have been updated and are on the dances page, with the most recent ones below. Check out the Classes and the Events pages by double-clicking on the event for more information venue, address and map. We are holding a summer T-Dance on 30th July (this month) – More details on the Events Page 😁 Most recent dances taught: London Rhythm Swings – BeginnerD H S S – Beginner (Oldie to a nice country track) – BeginnerWaterfall – ImproverQueen Of Kings – Improver Blow Your Mind – Intermediate3 Tequila Floor – Intermediate Ghosted – Intermediate There will be no classes on the following dates Wednesdays 2nd and 9th August … Continued

Happy Easter 😉🐣

Hello Everyone It’s Easter and the eggs are out and counted! Well, Chris is happy and smiling, the little ones will not get a look in! (have put some in my special hiding place 😂) lol! Please note there is no class next Wednesday at the BeeHive due to the hall being in use by the NHS Blood Transfusion we will be back the following week 👍 Sorry for the late update, unfortunately, there was a bit of confusion on reception. Our Annual Dinner and Dance last month was another fantastic day of dancing and entertainment, with Chris sorting out the quiz. Such a lovely day with great company it all went way too quick. Such a wonderful day we just had to book next year’s date before we left 😊. Congratulations to Angela Pearce, Kathleen Cook, Julie Lewis, Janice Harvey, John Anderson, Diana Arbery and Helen Mitchell for winning the quiz. The following dances were done on the day:- One Step ForwardToe To ToeThis & ThatGreen Green GrassAbove And BeyondAmameShivers ABShiversPlayboysTexas TimeTexas Time ABGiddy UpLove GrowsBack To The StartCountry TouchMartha DivineRocket To The SunSome Kind Of WonderfulBoredKnees A TremblingStorm & StoneWaltz Across TexasNeon BlueCold HeartUntil The DawnNever Gonna Not … Continued

News Update / DJ Feed

Hello Everyone, Hoping you are all keeping safe and well. Thank you to you all that came along to the Beehive open day, we had lots of lovely comments. Our Annual Dinner and Dance will shortly be upon us, so do add your dance request by following the link which is now open –   DJ Feed A warm welcome to all our new members who have recently joined. Spread the word! It’s a fantastic way to meet new friends, keep fit and forget the troubles of the outside world. Please check out the Classes / Events page, and double-click on the event for more information which includes the venue address together with a map❗ Here are the most recent dances taught:

Well, here we are on New Year’s Eve!

Thank you all for all the Christmas Cards, gifts and well wishes received during the few weeks leading up to the Christmas break. And for all the birthday wishes I received too! I can’t thank you enough for all the support you have given us over the year 💗 Are you ready to get back dancing and work off all that Turkey and Christmas Pudding? First-class back on Tuesday 3rd, at Exeter Countess Wear. Tuesday’s at Exeter, Countess Wear Village Hall Beginners: 7 pm to 7:50 pm Wednesdays at Honiton, BeeHive, Beginners: 7 pm to 7:50 pm, Improver/Intermediates 8 pm to 8:55 pm Mondays at Colyford Memorial Hall, Beginners: 7 pm to 7:50 pm, Improvers: 8 pm – 8:55 pm. If anyone would like to try line dancing, please come along and join us. It’s great exercise and a lovely way to meet new friends. For more information, check out our website. We have our Annual Dinner and Dance coming up in March. The menu will be available in class soon.  We both would like to wish you all a Very Happy and  Peaceful New Year. Look after yourselves and most of all take care. See you all in 2023 … Continued

October 22 Update

Hello Everyone, Hoping you are all keeping safe and well. Since my last post in June (when it seemed more like winter) later we enjoyed hot sunny days but with the clocks changing and the darker evenings drawing in, that all seems a distant past. Good job we have our dancing to keep us energised. Sending out a warm welcome to all our new members who have recently joined, it’s great to have you on board. Spread the word! It’s a fantastic way to meet new friends, keep fit and forget the troubles of the outside world. Please check out the Classes / Events page, double-click on the event for more information which includes the venue address together with a map❗ Here are the most recent dances taught: We have a Christmas (yes it’s nearly here) Social next month on the 11th December 2022 HONITON Mackarness Hall High Street Honiton Devon EX14 1PG Sunday Afternoon Tea Dance 2.00 pm—5.30 pm £6 Entry Fee  Bring and Share Tea and Coffee will be available So do come along, and remember your pen/pencil for one of Chris’ megga quizzes 😁 DJ Feed will be open soon, for all your dance request, will pop … Continued

Uplyme Summer Flower & Produce Fair

Hello Everyone,  Well, the end of June felt more like winter here in Devon hopefully July will be a warmer one 😎 We are off to the “Uplyme Summer Flower & Produce Fair” this  Saturday coming the 9th of July. We will be giving a short demo at 4 pm so do come along and give us your support, and who knows you may grab a bargain on one of the stalls at the same time. It is looking to be a good time this year after the lockdown of the previous years 😀  All the dances I have taught so far are on the dances page and the most recent are listed below.  We would like to welcome all our new members who joined us recently. Like I said in the previous post, stick with it, can take time to feel comfortable with the steps and the line dance jargon – coaster, shuffle, pivots to name a few – but you will get there, trust me ? Please do remember to check out the Classes / Events pages, double click on the event this will give you more information including the venue address together with the map! Here are … Continued