
Holiday Time

Note that we are taking a weeks holiday break from Monday 22nd July. And a reminder that the following week the BeeHive are putting on  “Sound of Music showing” so there will be no class on Wednesday 31st July Recent Dances Taught Let It Swing Gambling Man Something You Love We Don’t Make The Wind Blow B Waltz Country Walking Lamtara Rumba   Take Care   Marina & Chris

Summer Weekend – June 2019

Hello Everybody We took some of our class to Clevedon for a Beginner / Easy Improver weekend and what a fantastic weekend we had. Gill did a grand job, keeping us busy on the floor dancing.  Our group really enjoyed it and for some it was the first time out so again,  thank you for making us all feel so welcome. At the workshops we had the following dances  – Christine taught two classics ‘Beethoven’s’ Boogie’  and ‘Gambling Man’ Helen taught her very own new dance ‘We don’t  make the wind blow’ (there was talk she may change the name, will keep you posted  🙂 ) Gill taught ‘The Shim Sham’ a fun swing tap dance which was suitable for everyone. The theme for the weekend was Casino Royale, so what did we do – James Bond – No, we all dressed up as playing cards lol!– take a look at the gallery. Thank you to our members for joining in the fun and dressing up for the night. Latest Dances Taught These Old Boots  – Beginner Waves Of Love – Improver Legends – Intermediate And then there were two reteaches:- Cut  A Rug – Beginner This Is Me – … Continued

Summer Update

Hello Everyone Here we are again, it seems a while since I last e-mailed you. Classes are going well, and things may start to hot up with the summer coming along. The Weather Man tells me that June is going to be a hot one, so I have asked him to get the fan down from the attic in readiness! Just remember to bring a bottle of water and wear some comfortable shoes. Dates for your diaries – Honiton Charter Day 20th July We will be taking a few days out in July 22nd to the 24th, back to classes the following week. Dates outside of our control so far are – Wednesday 31st July Honiton Community Theatre Company Monday 14th October due to the Parish Council All of the dances we have been learning can be found on our dances page.   We have been asked to perform at Stockland Fare At the following times 3:00pm and again at 4:00pm Please come along and join in, your support would be greatly appreciated Dance Updates Latest dances taught ;- I Am Giant – Beginner Come & Play – Beginner B Waltz – Beginner Yes Mam’ No Mam’ – Improver Good … Continued

10th Annual Dinner And Dance

Hello Everybody Thank you to everyone that came and joined us for this our 10th Annual Dinner and Dance! After the photo shoot, we were all seated ready for lunch then Chris got everyone to stand for his version of grace, a few giggles were heard after the AMEN bit lol! Lots of things going on whilst lunch was being served, the quiz was the talking point and a little harder than the usual we all thought, plus balloon modelling with a few flying ones overhead, photos can be found in the gallery 🙂 Dancing commenced and a full floor was seen for most of the time. A few interruptions though with the quiz winners who were Steve, Trudy, John, Averil, Debbie, Adrian, Tina and Beverley, well done. The balloon modelling was won by Val as a Butterfly and then came the T-Shirt race Ha! Ha! (see video link here!) well done to Julie’s team. More dancing (Playlist below) and then before we knew it was time to say goodbye. It was a fabulous day, thank you to the staff of Lakeview Manor for looking after us all. Another successful afternoon and thanks to everyone for making it such a … Continued

News Update

Just to let you know the BeeHive have sorted the problem with the seating in the main hall, so we are back to class this Wednesday ?   Last week we had two reteaches  – Both by Robbie McGowan Hickie Walking Backwards and Tell The World   And the Intermediates had a new dance for Monday and Wednesdays classes:- My Angel and Me by Karl Harry Winson   New dance sheets and videos can be found on the dances page of this website   A reminder that the final balance is due for the Dinner and Dance if you have not already paid.   See you all soon, take care Marina & Chris x


Unfortunately, the class is cancelled this Wednesday 27th February, due to a serious problem with the raked seating at the Beehive. Hopefully, this will be sorted next week, we will keep you posted on here. Please spread the word Take care  Marina & Chris     

What a great start to the New Year!

Classes went well with a lot of dances revisited together with new dances taught  🙂 A Better Man by Kim Ray – Intermediate Graffiti by Karl Harry-Winson – Intermediate Plus some taken from our weekend in Bournemouth with Billy Curtis, Tina Argyle, and Karl Harry-Winson. Loveable Huggable by Tina Argyle – High-End Beginner Baby Bandit by Kate Sala and Karl – Intermediate Oh Me Oh My Oh by Rob Fowler – Improver Pushin and Shovin by Maggie Gallagher – High-End Beginner We had a lovely time with Billy, Tina, and Karl on their Winter Warmer Weekend. We even won second prize for the fancy dress on Saturday, take a look in the Gallery for the photos lol! Oh and a couple of videos too 1  & 2 🙂 Plus we couldn’t miss out Chris who wanted to teach his new dance at class. Shine the Light by Chris of Westernspirit (video to follow) –Beginner (step sheet on the dances page) Very well received, thank you, Chris, well done. Please note there will be no class on Wednesday 20th February this month due to the Pantomime production of “Cinderella” still some seats left if you fancy a night out at the … Continued

Happy New Year!

Hello Everybody, Hope you have all had a good Christmas and looking forward to 2019! We had a lovely afternoon at our ‘Christmas Social’, plenty of dancing, lots of fun and loads of food. There was a quiz from Chris – Christmas Style, of course, ?  Click here to see pictures Thank’s to everyone for coming along and supporting our afternoon and of course to everyone for all the support you have given the classes throughout the year. Thank you for the cards, presents and good wishes your generosity is overwhelming and we are very much looking forward to your company in the New Year!   Playlist – Christmas Social 2018 Dancin’ The Dust Melodia Black Betty’s Worldwide Lonesome (Chris’ very own dance 🙂 ) Graffiti Slowly, Gently, Softly Mamma Maria Go Gently People Are Good Until Dawn And Get It On Sangria Sun Cards On The Table Missing Cold Feet Lost In Love Texas Time EZ/Texas Time Rockin’ The Wagon Wheel Wagon Wheel Rock Trust Me Sambarito Outside In Love Flow The Eurodance Make A Little Hay Sleeping In The Stars The Second I Saw You When You’re Smiling Wild Card 18 Perfect I’ll Be There For You The … Continued

Sunday Social Coming Up!!

HONITON Mackarness Hall High Street Honiton Devon EX14 1PG 16th December Sunday Afternoon Tea Dance 2pm—6pm   Bring and Share Buffet Tea and Coffee Available  

Updated Dances Taught

Hello Everybody, The latest dances taught:- Beginner Dances: Texas Time AB by Carrie Ann Earl, Love Flow by Niels Poulsen, When Your Smiling by Audri R Improver Dances: Long Haul Stroll by Yvonne Anderson, Havana Cha by Ria Vos, Worth A Shot by Jamie Barnfield & Laura Sway Intermediate Dances: The Euro Dance by Dee Musk, Lost In Love by Maddison Glover & Simon Ward, Sleeping In The Stars by Kim Ray   Remember our Sunday T-Dance on December 16th  the DJ Feed will be open soon for you to request all your favourite dances. Please note that classes are cancelled from 14th to 21st November and will return back to normal from the Monday 26th November 🙂 If any different this will be shown on the events page so please check before leaving home. Take care and see you all soon Marina & Chris