Classes went well with a lot of dances revisited together with new dances taught
A Better Man by Kim Ray – Intermediate
Graffiti by Karl Harry-Winson – Intermediate
Plus some taken from our weekend in Bournemouth with Billy Curtis, Tina Argyle, and Karl Harry-Winson.
Loveable Huggable by Tina Argyle – High-End Beginner
Baby Bandit by Kate Sala and Karl – Intermediate
Oh Me Oh My Oh by Rob Fowler – Improver
Pushin and Shovin by Maggie Gallagher – High-End Beginner
We had a lovely time with Billy, Tina, and Karl on their Winter Warmer Weekend. We even won second prize for the fancy dress on Saturday, take a look in the Gallery for the photos lol! Oh and a couple of videos too 1 & 2
Plus we couldn’t miss out Chris who wanted to teach his new dance at class.
Shine the Light by Chris of Westernspirit (video to follow) –Beginner (step sheet on the dances page)
Very well received, thank you, Chris, well done.
Please note there will be no class on Wednesday 20th February this month due to the Pantomime production of “Cinderella” still some seats left if you fancy a night out at the BeeHive Honiton.
All the step sheets and videos can be found on the dances page
Should the weather turn bad again, just keep a check on here for any changes in classes.
Also, remember there is a link to Honiton Weather at the bottom of this website.
So in the meantime take care, keep safe and see you all soon
Marina & Chris x