Happy Easter,
Hope you are making the most of the sunny weather, and maybe an Easter Egg or two to enjoy over the weekend.??
The roadmap back to normality from the Government Website says we may be able to get back to classes from May 17th 2021.
We are looking at the first week in June to restart our classes and will update the news nearer the time with a definite date.?
We have enjoyed our virtual classes very much, hopefully, you did too, keeping you amused and connected with your line dance friends during these tough times.
With lockdown being relaxed in the UK, and being allowed to meet outside with family and friends we thought it would be a good time to take a break from virtual.?
Here is a list of the dances over the last three weeks:-
Sangria Sun – Tina Argyle
Rocket To The Sun – Maddison Glover
Almost Always – Heather Barton
Thangs – Norman Gifford
Great Unknown – Maggie G
Weekend Vibes – Karl Harry Winson and Jamie Barnfield
Jersey Boys – Gary Lafferty
Do What You Can – Ole Jacobson
Never Stop Believing – Bob Francis
Bring On The Good Times – Gary O’ Reilly
The Captain – Joshua Talbot
Darling Won’t You – Mathew Sinyard
Redwood Tree – Bob Francis
Where! – Silvia Schill
Pretty Girl – Gary O’ Reilly
Love You Now – Maggie G
She’s Mine – Heather Barton
Islands In The Stream – Karen Jones
Just Fly Away – Rebecca Lee, Sobrielo Philip Gene Michael, JungHye Yoon
I’ve Seen It All – Gary O’ Reilly
Chris will be on his radio station most Friday evenings from 6.30 pm and later this evening – Friday 2nd April at 6:30 pm so why not drop in and say hi, listen to all your favourite tunes and hear Alexa taking the front stage! ?
Link can be found on our website, look for “LIVE RADIO” by scrolling down.
Before I go I would like to say how much we appreciate all your kind words of support.?
Take care, and stay safe.
Hands, Face, Space ? and of course Fresh Air!
Marina & Chris x