
UK Line Dance Awards 2024

UK Line Dance Awards are now waiting for your nominations – Vote for your favourite Dances, Choreographers, Clubs and Instructors – come on support your favourite here and now see below 😉

May be an image of dancing and text that says "UKLDA UK LINE DANCE AWARDS NOMINATE FORM LIVE"

UKLDA is feeling excited.3 December at 12:01  · Nominations are Open! The Nomination period has begun. Nominations will remain open until midday on the 10th of January 2024. You can nominate your favourite dances, clubs, instructors, choreographers, performing artists and DJs by clicking the link below. can nominate each category once during the nomination period and must be a resident of the UK to do so. Any duplicate nominations or nominations from outside the UK will be discounted. If you would like to view a full list of the categories for this year’s UK Line Dance Awards with their descriptions please visit.

Looking forward to seeing you all at our social this Sunday at the Mackarness Hall, Honiton, Devon 2 pm bring and share buffet. Remember the DJ Feed is still open if you have any favourite dances you want added

Take care and if you are not able to make our Sunday social, have a good weekend.

Marina & Chris xx

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