
News Update

Hello Everyone,

 Here we are the second month in 2020 already, time goes so fast when you’re having fun πŸ™‚

 All the dances taught so far are on the dances page, and we are enjoying them all.

 We would like to welcome all our new members who have recently joined us. Stick with it, can take time to feel comfortable with the steps and the line dance jargon – coaster, shuffle, pivots to name a few – but you will get there, some already have πŸ™‚

Please do remember to check out the events pages, double click on the event this will give you more information including the venue address.

We still have a few places available for our Annual Dinner and Dance, more information available at class.

Dances Recently Taught

Beginner Dances:-

500 Miles by Annemaree Sleeth

Pocket Of Hearts by Maggie Gallagher 

Toe to Toe by Tina Argyle 

Crystal Dreams by Hayley Wheatley & Robert Lindsay

Improver Dances:-

Cooler Than Cool by Niels Poulsen

Playboys by Karl-Harry Winson

Keep Young by Maggie Gallagher

Crystal Dreams by Hayley Wheatley and Robert Lindsay

Intermediate Dances:-

Turning Tables by Maddison Glover and Tom Glover

Keep warm and take care

Marina & Chris x

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